5 tips make time home more enjoyable
1. Before you say more than hello to your spouse, grab something cold to drink. Beer, wine, liquor, water, tea, pop, pick your poison and have it handy before you even talk to your spouse. Take a drink of it. Savor it and the fact that you are now at home.
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2. Leave your phone in another room. Work comes home more and more often nowadays, Instead of falling into the system, leave it alone. Even if it's just for 20-30 minutes- put it in another room. They can survive without you for that long.
3. Ask your spouse about their day. Listen to what happened. Reflect on it with them(we'll talk about how to do this properly in another post). Your need to tell them about your day needs to come second- whether yours is more important or not. Your spouse and kids(if you have them) are the most important thing in your world, and they don't care that you had a bad/good day. They are just happy you are home.
4. Invest in your home life. That means spending time with your spouse(without a phone or laptop in front of you). Basic household chores like laundry and dishes can be pretty fun if you approach them the right way. We've had many a water fight or warm clothes fight. We may end up soaking the kitchen or wrinkling the clothes, but the kitchen needed mopping anyways, and the clothes were bound to get wrinkles. Make the things you do at home into something fun that involves your family.
5. End the night on a relaxing note. Whether its watching a certain show before you fall asleep together(for us, it's Scrubs or How I Met Your Mother) or taking a shower(see my blog post from yesterday), or reading a book or the paper, make sure you take the time for yourself to unwind. That's what home is for right?