I spend 98% of my day doing things for other people. I work crazy hours where I spend time helping people learn a new business, help people with any problems they are having in the business,and selling life insurance myself. That's my 8 am-9 pm job. Then when I get home, I help my boyfriend cook, clean, do laundry etc. Taking time for myself is extremely hard. I rarely have more than 20 minutes a day to myself.
Taking that 20 minutes for myself is hard. There is always something else that I need to be doing for myself or for someone else. I am no better at saying NO to my bosses or my significant other than you probably are. I have realized though, that without my 20 minutes to myself daily, I become a really unpleasant person. I have to be selfish with my time. 90% of the time, my 20 minutes occurs during my drive to and from work. I put on a book and just drive. I try to let everything that has happened drift away for a little while. I concentrate on the story and let the world fall away. I don't mean to say that I don't concentrate on driving when I am driving. I just let go of the thoughts of work, my to-do list, or what my significant other is thinking. It's 20 minutes of me time.
If you answer to more than 2 people(boss, spouse, kids etc) throughout your day, this message is for you.If you are constantly running around like a chicken with your head cut off, you are hurting yourself much more than you are helping yourself and others that you are responsible for.
Find time that you can take for yourself. I know it's hard and it takes time away from other things. Just try it. And by try it I mean carve out 20 minutes per day on your calendar each day for the next 30 days to make it a habit.
You can spend your 20 minutes doing anything that makes you happy. Listening to music, working out, taking a long shower, reading a book, writing in a journal, doing Yoga, taking a power nap or just sitting in silence with a cup of tea or coffee: it's your time. Do with it as you wish.
Since I like my 20 minutes to include tea...here is a great resource for how long to steep this wonderful, healthy beverage
I found my 20 minutes. Now go find yours.
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