Not every day is an easy day to be happy. Yesterday was not one for me. I spent most of the day curled around myself with cramps. The medicines only dulled the pain for a few hours at a time. It didn't help that I had a vomit inducing migraine. About once every 3-4 months I get a period like that. They are no fun, but luckily the worst part is over now.
I realized yesterday that even in the midst of the pain in my abdomen and in my head, that there were some high points to yesterday. My boyfriend made me all of my meals and brought them to me in bed. My bosses left me alone for the most part. I got to catch up on some shows that I enjoy watching. I got to watch the start of the NHL hockey season. I had tea made for me. I got a good nights sleep with no major interruptions to it. So no matter how I felt, yesterday was a success.
I am starting a happiness project with my team today. I think it is important for all of us. In this career I feel as though my manager cares about me, but mostly in the I make them money way- maybe not as much on a personal level as I would like. I didn't grow up here in the Springs. I have no family in a 10 hour radius. I know no one other than my neighbors and my coworkers. It's pretty much the same for my team. We have all put down roots here, but due to our crazy hours, the only people we really have are the people we live with and our coworkers. I'm going to try a happiness project with my team to get each of us involved in the lives of the others. I'm hoping that this increase in personal connection with my team will make us closer, more loyal to each other, and more compassionate towards one another. I also hope that it makes us happy. I'll let you know how it goes.
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Happiness challenge- 100 days
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