If you think dealing with stress is not important to the population, take a look at the newsstands- Popular Science is even featuring Stress as their centerfold article this month.
Stress is something we deal with all the time. Most people do not even realize that what they are feeling it because it is such an inherent part of our lives. Women are more stressed than men. Employed people are less stressed than those who are unemployed. Most of these things are a DUH right? We all deal with stress on a daily basis and we all deal with it differently.
People seem to think that feeling stress and showing that you are feeling stress is shameful. There is NOTHING shameful about feeling stress or showing that you are stressed. We live in a world where showing any feeling other than happiness is frowned upon. GET OVER IT WORLD! I love being a ray of sunshine, but the reality is that I get sad, stressed, lonely, and mad just like everyone else. Show your feelings and emotions- it is stabilizing for the body.
My body will clearly tell me if I’m too stressed. I’ll start to get sores in my mouth and my immune system will take a hit. It’s important to know what that point is for you.
The ideal would be to never get to the point where you are so stressed that your body is giving you clear warning signs, but most of us are so used to constant stress in our lives, that this can be hard to identify in it’s pre-stages. Stress will show itself in different ways in each person. Often, we know what those signs are, but we ignore them.
For instruction on giving yourself a hand massage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=168lKIyc3lw and she has a great accent which is fun too!
Check in tomorrow to find out 10 ways to help yourself when your stress goes over the tipping point to TOO stressed and what impact it has on your health.
Day in Day out,
Listening music can really helps to enhance your mood and I always do this. To reduce stress you can also try herbal supplements for stress.