Monday, October 6, 2014

How to get ready in 8 minutes or less

When your alarm doesn't go off and you wake up 25 minutes after it would have gone off- here is how to make the most of the 8 minutes or less you have to get ready. 

0:00-0:30 Turn on your shower, HOT.
0:31-1:00  Spray your roots with dry shampoo.  Throw hair up high in a ponytail or bun.
1:01-2:00  Get wet.  Grab body wash. Wash privates and armpits. Rinse. 
2:01-3:00 Out of the shower. Dry body. Take down hair. Brush. 
3:01-3:30. Put hair in high pony tail or bun. 
3:31-4:00 BB/CC cream that lovely face
4:01-4:30 3 in 1 stick that lovely face: eyelids and cheekbones.  Blend.
4:31-5:00 Mascara: navy blue- makes your eyes whiter, but black will work fine
5:01-6:00 Get dressed
6:01-6:30 Put on deodorant and walk through a mist of body spray or perfume
6:31-7:00 Put on shoes
7:00-7:30 Put on jewelry
7:31-8:00 Grab your bag, take a deep breath, dont forget your cell. Go to work. 

And that's how you get ready in less than 8 minutes.

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