Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Starting 2015: guidelines

So, everyone says they have new years resolutions- I think of these more as guidelines for myself.  There are quite a few and most of them are harder than i think they are going to be.  I think they will bring me a lot of pleasure as they get accomplished.

  1. Get back in shape
    1. Find a new sport to enjoy
  2. Take a class
    1. Biomechanics/kinesiology- get a B or higher
    2. Find a sports/recreation class(fencing? hot yoga?)
  3. By June have 60 pages written of a book for people in the helping professions on how to not experience burnout( mental skills techniques)
  4. Find a new job that I enjoy
    1. It doesn’t matter if it’s the right job, as long as it’s a stepping stone
  5. Spend 10 minutes per person per week catching up via FaceTime/Skype/call
    1. Friends
    2. Family
    3. Professional Contacts
  6. Start a savings account- even if it’s only $25 per week. Start saving.  and put extra money in it
  7. Start a vacation account. Put $100 a month in it. It will accumulate quickly.
  8. Establish a date night and stick to it. 
  9. Help more around the house
    1. Dishes
    2. Laundry
    3. Vaccuming
    4. Dusting
    5. Making the bed
  10. Spend less time on my phone and more time reading/writing/in nature/working out/cooking etc
  11. Take vitamins daily-use up the ones Auntie Cathy got you!
  12. Work on my blog-write daily 
  13. Meet new people who share similar interests 
  14. Meditate at least once a week for 5-15 minutes. Start small
  15. Take more pictures
  16. Start every week with a Ted talk- that way I never stop learning

First up: workouts: it's time to get back in shape, and with only 135 days to the cruise: it's another good reason to start working out

Wk 1
Squats+Lunges:40 each
Plank- Left, right, front:1 minute
Pushups+tricep dips: 20 each
Russian twists: 40 
Calf raises: 75
Yoga: 20 minutes
Cardio: 10 minutes

Squats+Lunges:50 each
Plank- Left, right, front:1:30 minute
Pushups+tricep dips: 28 each
Russian twists: 50
Calf raises: 90
Yoga: 30 minutes
Cardio: 15 minutes

Squats+Lunges:40 each
Plank- Left, right, front:1 minute
Pushups+tricep dips: 20 each
Russian twists: 40 
Calf raises: 75
Yoga: 20 minutes
Cardio: 10 minutes

Squats+Lunges:50 each
Plank- Left, right, front:1:30 minute
Pushups+tricep dips: 28 each
Russian twists: 50
Calf raises: 90
Yoga: 30 minutes
Cardio: 15 minutes

Squats+Lunges:25 each
Plank- Left, right, front:2:00 minute
Pushups+tricep dips: 15 each
Russian twists: 30
Calf raises: 75
Yoga: 30 minutes
Cardio: 10 minutes

Yoga: 1 hour

REST/yoga/ meditation/ Kinect games

I hope you are setting guidelines for yourself, or you can follow some of mine.  Make sure before you start any kind of exercise routine, you consult with your doctor to determine if you are capable of physical exercise and in what degree. These are my guidelines, feel free to adjust to your own capabilities.  Progress is progress no matter how small.  

<3 B

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

One small change...can change everything

Sometimes one small change, can change everything.

Negativity in an office environment can be extremely toxic. I've been living this first hand for over a year.  I try to kill with kindness but you cannot change people or really make them see the error of their ways. After over a year, the negativity is finally gone. Big surprise, the whole team felt better and their happiness carried over to their careers.  We had more sales yesterday from agents on all teams, then we had the past two weeks total. Maybe it was hard work, or luck, or any number of different factors but I'm going with the fact that the negativity that hung over our office like a little black rain cloud is gone. Now to establish a culture of positivity, happiness, kindness, and energy.  It's about to be a great and wild ride.

On a side note: felt suits went out of style a LONG time ago. Yes, someone showed up in one today. Fashion no no. 

Monday, October 27, 2014

How to deal with the person who won't stop being negative at work

Every office has that one person or group of people who will not stop running their mouths in a negative fashion.  No matter what happens, they feel as if everything and everyone is conspiring against them.  I want to smack these people.

Want to know why you didn't get the promotion?
        - Someone worked harder than you did
Want to know why no one likes you?
        - Because you are always complaining and negative
Want to know why your team hates you?
         - Because you treat them like animals you are going to beat

How to deal with these people?
  1. Ignore them.  I know it is not easy, but try anyways. Their negativity is contagious. Avoid it at all costs.
  2. Be super kind to them. Maybe they have a terrible home life and are reaching out for attention.  Only give them positive attention and positive advice. Do not acknowledge their negative beliefs.
  3. Confront them.  Give them the reality. Sometimes people need a healthy dose of reality. It will not make them your friend, but it could do your whole office some good.
For more ways please visit the Purpose Fairy at 9 clever ways to deal with negative people



Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Managment is all about your team

Management: an asinine word for how you practice leadership in the workplace 
This is from

So the reality is that leadership is all about your team. You have to know the people you are working with and what their goals are and how they like to be managed.  There is a fine line between how they want to be managed and how they need to be managed. Most of my team is very hands off, but some of my team is very hands on. My new agents I am very hands on with because they need extra guidance. My veteran agents only want to talk to me when they have problems in the field. Both are totally fine.

A large part of leadership is empathy and caring, which leads to loyalty. I always try to show and tell my team that I appreciate them and that I care about them because I think it's important.  In our career choice, the only time you receive praise is when you write big sales. I think everything my team does is important and leads to their success, because that is the reality of the situation.  I try to praise each member of my team daily. It could be something as simple as that they look sharp or that I appreciate their continued efforts to expand our team by recruiting. Praise is good.

My team dictates how I lead them.  I can have a leadership style, but if my leadership style doesn't adapt to and work with my team, then I am hurting them and myself by not taking the iniative to try something different. 

Communication is another large part of leadership and it is built into empathy and caring. My company has a LOT of managers.  I cannot say sadly that my company has many leaders. Leadership training is only given in intervals.  This is something that I would like to change.  Every team is different and needs to be led differently.  If my manager tried to lead my team, she would try to pull her hair out within minutes.  If I needed to lead one of the teams in one of our other offices, I would try and pull my hair out within minutes. Each team is an individual entity and has to be treated as such.

Communication is key to this.  We try to constantly communicate with our agents, which is all well and good, but part of what we say we don't do.  Micromanagement in this field loses us 10x more people than the money it gains us.  We have to be aware of the consequences of micromanagement and the person we are attempting to micromanage.  Sometimes it is necessary.  Often it is overkill and will brew hostility.

Instead of trying to pick a leadership style and abide by it at all times, give yourself the opportunity to build a holistic leadership style based on the needs of your team.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Because I'm happy

Not every day is an easy day to be happy.  Yesterday was not one for me. I spent most of the day curled around myself with cramps.  The medicines only dulled the pain for a few hours at a time.  It didn't help that I had a vomit inducing migraine.  About once every 3-4 months I get a period like that.  They are no fun, but luckily the worst part is over now.

I realized yesterday that even in the midst of the pain in my abdomen and in my head, that there were some high points to yesterday.  My boyfriend made me all of my meals and brought them to me in bed. My bosses left me alone for the most part.  I got to catch up on some shows that I enjoy watching.  I got to watch the start of the NHL hockey season.  I had tea made for me. I got a good nights sleep with no major interruptions to it.  So no matter how I felt, yesterday was a success.

I am starting a happiness project with my team today.  I think it is important for all of us.  In this career I  feel as though my manager cares about me, but mostly in the I make them money way- maybe not as much on a personal level as I would like.  I didn't grow up here in the Springs.  I have no family in a 10 hour radius.  I know no one other than my neighbors and my coworkers.  It's pretty much the same for my team.  We have all put down roots here, but due to our crazy hours, the only people we really have are the people we live with and our coworkers.  I'm going to try a happiness project with my team to get each of us involved in the lives of the others.  I'm hoping that this increase in personal connection with my team will make us closer, more loyal to each other, and more compassionate towards one another.  I also hope that it makes us happy.  I'll let you know how it goes.

Check out the growing movement at buzz feed using this link.
Happiness challenge- 100 days

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Yes he's my best friend

Love and relationships aren't just about physical intimacy.  They are about friendship and caring and protecting and being better because that person is in your life.  No matter what happens in my world, this guy is my best friend.  He is there through the smiles and the tears and there is nothing more that I could ask for in him.  He makes me a better person and a stronger woman.  He takes my good days with happiness and my bad days with(for the most part) a grain of salt.  When it is all said and done, he is my rock, my solid, my lover, and my best friend.  I don't tell him nearly often enough how much he means to me and how much easier he makes my life. I love you babe.

Monday, October 6, 2014

How to get ready in 8 minutes or less

When your alarm doesn't go off and you wake up 25 minutes after it would have gone off- here is how to make the most of the 8 minutes or less you have to get ready. 

0:00-0:30 Turn on your shower, HOT.
0:31-1:00  Spray your roots with dry shampoo.  Throw hair up high in a ponytail or bun.
1:01-2:00  Get wet.  Grab body wash. Wash privates and armpits. Rinse. 
2:01-3:00 Out of the shower. Dry body. Take down hair. Brush. 
3:01-3:30. Put hair in high pony tail or bun. 
3:31-4:00 BB/CC cream that lovely face
4:01-4:30 3 in 1 stick that lovely face: eyelids and cheekbones.  Blend.
4:31-5:00 Mascara: navy blue- makes your eyes whiter, but black will work fine
5:01-6:00 Get dressed
6:01-6:30 Put on deodorant and walk through a mist of body spray or perfume
6:31-7:00 Put on shoes
7:00-7:30 Put on jewelry
7:31-8:00 Grab your bag, take a deep breath, dont forget your cell. Go to work. 

And that's how you get ready in less than 8 minutes.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Where Do You Go to Contemplate Life?

I recently sat on some rocks with my feet in the freezing Arkansas river, on the River Walk in Canon City, CO.  We had time between appointments and decided to indulge in some sunshine while it was still nice.  We talked for a while, my trainees and I, and then for a few minutes it was quiet.  We all got lost in our own thoughts. I find that my best and deepest thinking occurs when putting my feet in fresh water and having a mountain backdrop.  Whenever I need a change of heart or mind, this seems to help.  I don't really think it has anything to do with the water, but maybe it does. A recent article in Sunset Magazine, made me take a moment and think about where I contemplate life.   

This was my view on the River Walk in Canon City,CO
Having spent 2 full summers working at RDC (Rockywold Deephaven Camps), in Holderness ,NH on Squam Lake at the base of Rattlesnake Mountain, I have had my fair share of feet in the water and looking at the mountains.  There I contemplated what I truly wanted to do with my life, what kind of romantic relationship was right for me, what true friendship and love were, and how I wanted to spend the next 5 years of my life.  Those are some pretty deep thoughts for a 19 year old.  Most 19 year olds that I know are more concerned with who's house they are getting drunk at that night instead of contemplating life. 
Another view of the Arkansas river and the mountains beyond

Where do you contemplate life?

Happy Friday!  Go find someplace to contemplate life- you know you want to. 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

82 Days until Christmas: How to make the holidays easier now

1. Start shopping now!  If you haven't started shopping yet, you are already behind in making your holidays easier.  

2.  Make a Christmas budget:  Set it now, and put it away.  Pull the money from it as needed to buy your Christmas gifts.
I like this one:
3. Sit down with your spouse and go over what you are getting for each other's families. Write it down.  
4. Start acquiring little things(stocking stuffers, gift cards, decorations).  This will save you huge headaches later on.  Stock on up your honey's favorite things(what candy does he/she like?  Favorite movie you have seen this year?  Where he/she gets coffee every morning?   Get those things now. See a set of ornaments you love?  Pick them up now.
Here are some more ideas: 200 stocking stuffer ideas
5. Money is always tight around the holidays- shopping a little bit at a time in the months before Christmas will save your bank account and your sanity as they get closer. 

6.  Shop your local grocery store for gift cards.  Often you get discounts on your gas just by buying your gift cards from the store. Gas discounts = happy wallet

7. You never know where you will find awesome things.  We have picked up over half of our Christmas gifts on either Groupon, NoMoreRack, or at our local flea market.  Kids don't care if the toy has been previously used and your brother's wife isn't going to care that you paid less than 30% for that gorgeous necklace(wash the toy before giving it to the child).

8. Cross the things off the Christmas list that you have taken care of.  It makes you feel awesome.

9.  Get small things in advance.  You're going to need something for a white elephant or gift exchange at your office, church, club etc.  Picking up a few extra gift cards or toys for giving to charity now means less of a financial and shopping headache later on down the line.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Tips for Recruiting in the Modern World

"The world it is a changin". About a million people have said this, so to give credit to just one person seems sacreligious. Recruiting is changing.  There used to be job fairs.  There used to be one on one interviews.  You used to call a hiring manger about a position.  Jobs used to be listed in the newspaper. 

 Welcome to 2014: you find and apply for jobs online, sometimes your first interview occurs online(through Skype or FaceTime), and your resume is sent electronically.  There is no telephone number to call and the hiring manager is rarely on location.  Job fairs are for college internships and food industry positions.  

Everything we do to recruit in 2014 is based on the principles that have been passed down for generations, but some of the rules have changed.  

Recruiting tips for 2014:
-Time off is more valued than how much the job pays
- Millenials hate structure, but need it or they spend all their time on their phones
- Your schedule is more important than theirs(You have the job they want).
- Job searching occurs at all hours of the day, so make sure your posts do not drop off at a certain time of day/night.
-The right person could be in any industry, you just have to give them the option
- A college education is all well and good, but unless they know how to practically apply that education- it's worthless.
- More people are having more jobs/careers throughout their lifetime. It's not unusual to see 40-60 yr old job seekers. 
- More people have higher levels of education than ever.  Utilize these people.  They have skills and knowledge that can be applied across many fields.
-Talking to someone on the phone can be more detrimental than emailing them. 
-Resume's are possibly the most annoying things to do with recruiting new personnel.  Half are fake, the other half tell you absolutely nothing about the person or who they are.  A resume is a person in a dumbed down, make believe form.  I would rather not see their resume, until they are in front of me. I like to see the person as they are.  

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

5 Tips to Make Home Time More Enjoyable

5 tips make time home more enjoyable

1. Before you say more than hello to your spouse, grab something cold to drink.  Beer, wine, liquor, water, tea, pop, pick your poison and have it handy before you even talk to your spouse.  Take a drink of it.  Savor it and the fact that you are now at home.
Find the recipe below

2. Leave your phone in another room.  Work comes home more and more often nowadays,  Instead of falling into the system, leave it alone.  Even if it's just for 20-30 minutes- put it in another room. They can survive without you for that long.

3. Ask your spouse about their day.  Listen to what happened.  Reflect on it with them(we'll talk about how to do this properly in another post). Your need to tell them about your day needs to come second- whether yours is more important or not. Your spouse and kids(if you have them) are the most important thing in your world, and they don't care that you had a bad/good day.  They are just happy you are home.
4. Invest in your home life. That means spending time with your spouse(without a phone or laptop in front of you). Basic household chores like laundry and dishes can be pretty fun if you approach them the right way.  We've had many a water fight or warm clothes fight.  We may end up soaking the kitchen or wrinkling the clothes, but the kitchen needed mopping anyways, and the clothes were bound to get wrinkles. Make the things you do at home into something fun that involves your family. 

5. End the night on a relaxing note.  Whether its watching a certain show before you fall asleep together(for us, it's Scrubs or How I Met Your Mother) or taking a shower(see my blog post from yesterday), or reading a book or the paper, make sure you take the time for yourself to unwind.  That's what home is for right?

Monday, September 29, 2014

Make your 10 minute shower feel like a Spa Day

I rarely get more than 10 minutes to take care of personal hygiene. So that 10 minutes is important.  Every other day is shaving day, duh.  I wear dresses 85% of the time to work, and have to have smooth and professional legs. So 50% of the time, I only get 5 real minutes of pamper myself time in the shower. 

I associate spa's with a few things: a nice smell, gentle lighting(candles), and quiet sounds. So I try to replicate these things in my own home.

How I make my 10 minutes count...
Since we don't pay utilities, I start my shower at least 3 minutes before I get into it and let the steam heat up the bathroom.(these 3 minutes don't count)  There is nothing worse than getting undressed when it is cold.  Unlike most normal people, I don't have the fan going either.  I like it steamy! I also light a candle or two plus turn on a few battery operated candles. (So I can see) and put on some relaxing music(I like acoustic/nature sounds)

If I'm shaving, as the bathroom is heating up, I cover my legs and other parts in cheap awesome smelling conditioner(I like V08 peaches and cream. It's 99 cents). It makes the hair soft and easier to get through. 

When shaving:
- Lather hair
-Shave legs
-Massage scalp
-Rinse hair
-Put conditioner in if you use it
- Shave other parts
-  Rinse hair
- Lather body with delicious smelling soap that will make you relaxed/elated depending on necessity
- Final rinse.

When not shaving
- Lather hair
-Apply body scrub.  Massage into skin.
- Rinse body
-Massage scalp
- Lather body with delicious smelling soap that will make you relaxed/elated depending on necessity
- Final rinse. 
Here is a nice article from Mind Body Green on how to give yourself a scalp massage and its benefits: Give yourself a scalp massage

Either way, when I get out I indulge in either body oil from Neutrogena or a decadent body lotion. It makes me feel pretty and happy.

Take the time for yourself to be relaxed.  For me it means a few minutes to myself to pamper myself and be alone with my thoughts. Splurge on that decadent body wash/soap. Make sure you feel superb.  It's important.

Friday, September 26, 2014

What to do in the case of a concussion?

So I came home from work last night to find my boyfriend sitting in bed shaking like a leaf after telling me for hours that his head felt like it was going to explode.  Very strange symptoms for a guy who never gets sick.

 So i put his symptoms into WebMD to try to find out what was wrong. I asked him questions about his symptoms until finally I asked him if he hit his head.  "Oh yeah," he replied. "I hit it hard coming in the window this morning."  I pulled up the symptoms for concussion and we were right on the money. I feel like that was pertinent information to share with me.   He then shared that he had no recollection of time after that, was having trouble remembering what came next, and our english bulldog was very concerned.  He wouldn't leave him alone.

And then, it hit me.  He had a concussion.A concussion is a traumatic brain injury.  For most people, this is not as dangerous as it is for him.  He has had multiple concussions during his hockey career.    He can't count on his hands the number of concussions he has had throughout his life.  Every concussion is dangerous, but the more concussions you have had, the worse the symptoms get and the more damage that goes unchecked.

So I gave him Tylenol, like all the literature says.  I made him eat a good dinner and drink lots of water.  I woke him every two hours during the night just to check on him, but like most people who are concussed, he wasn't really sleeping anyways.

Today, I'm keeping a close eye on any new symptoms and hoping that he can get some rest this afternoon after his interview.   Here is some more information for you about concussions.  This one is specifically dealing with athletics, but they can happen in any situation.

Have a great Friday!


Thursday, September 25, 2014

5 best new dramas of fall 2014

The 5 Best New Fall Drams of 2014
  1. Scorpion:  I had been waiting since I saw the first preview for this show, for it to premiere.  It was a long wait and well worth it. I haven't worked with many genius's of that caliber yet, but the characters remind me of friends of mine- who might just be too smart for their own good.  Drama, kids, heart pounding action, fast cars, Katherine McPhee, it's a perfect combo.  Despite having my bf talk through the entire episode, it was awesome! My favorite new show of the season.
  2. NCIS New Orleans: Die hard NCIS fan right here. So when they did a New Orleans episode and introduced the new cast during the 11th season, I was ecstatic and a little worried(same emotions that I felt when they introduced NCIS LA). What a fantastic surprise!  The cast is dynamic.  The views are incredible.  Nothing better than catching up with characters you already know you are going to love.
  3. Red Band Society: It makes you laugh, cry, and think about your mortality.  What more could you want?  A really adorable, hilarious, and sometimes hot cast?  Well it's got that too.  Make sure you tune in to this one. 
  4. Gotham: First I would like to say that this one is dark.  I am a light, barely makes you think show kind of girl.  I talk to people about their mortality 7x a day.  But for me, this one is dark.  It's gory, gritty, and sometimes a little nasty.  The storyline is great.  the cast is phenomenal. So far, it's extremely well done. 
  5. Forever:  Watched the first two episodes last night and I'm hooked.  Hot living forever doctor decides to work with cop who just might find out he can't die…what a conundrum.  I can't wait to see how this show pans out. I love the dose of history that is put in as well. 
I've included a fall tv premier schedule, so you won't miss any more action. 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Why your Relationship with your Parents is Important

I love my parents.  They drive me crazy and I drive them crazy, but I love them.  I am beyond thankful to have grown up with parents who unconditionally loved me, supported me, and taught me how to be the woman I am today.  My relationship with my parents is important.  

It hit me the other day, that my parents, just like everyone else, are going to die someday.  I live hours and hours away from my parents.  I recently saw my parents in July, but before that it had been almost 7 months.  I cried when i saw them.  I miss them. I miss being able to go to my dad for a hug when I have a rough day.  I miss helping my mom pick out clothes and purses to get ready for a charity event.  I love my parents dearly and I don't talk to them nearly as much as I should.  

Your parents are not going to be around forever.  There will come a time when they aren't there anymore and you are going to miss all the little things and all the big things that were a part of them.  Remember that when they make you angry because they lecture you about your financial decisions or call you repeatedly when you haven't been in contact.  They do it because they love you. 

My relationship with my parents is important and as busy as I am, I know they are busy too.  I need to put the time and effort into being a better communicator with them. 

I love my parents. They are incredible people who have raised two kids while managing full time careers, non-profit work and organizations, and kept a balanced home life.  If I grow up to be half the parent that they are, I'll be doing pretty good. 

Love you guys,


Tuesday, September 23, 2014

6 tips for keeping your social media clean

Would you want your grandmother to see that? Or how to keep your social media clean

Now a days, everything is on the internet.  There are a million ways to be socially active on the inter web.  You can find out everything from who's cat took a dump outside to what Amanda did last night during her bachelorette party.  Some things however, are not meant to be shared with the world. 

Even if your grandmother was a progressive lady, be aware that everyone sees what you post to the internet.  Your parents, grandparents, employers, children, grandchildren, and future employers can see everything you post- forever.  Sharing is great.  I love seeing pictures of my friend's weddings, their kids growing up, and all the new members of my college sorority.  I do not like seeing pictures of my friends smashed out of their minds, with their clothes half off, doing things that they will regret in the morning. 

 Before it goes on social media, think about the effect it will have on you later.  

6 tips for keeping your social media clean
Always wait until the next day to post those pictures to your social media.
Is anyone in the picture a teacher or going to be?  Don't post it. 
Is anyone in the picture doing something illegal?  Don't post it.
Is anyone in the picture half naked?  Unless this is on a beach- don't post it.
Would the people in the pictures' parents be offended or disappointed in them?  Don't post it.
Could this affect the future job of someone in the picture? Don't post it.

A great night out can still be a great night out without sharing a million pictures on social media.  

Be careful what you post and be aware that the whole world is watching. 


Monday, September 22, 2014

What is failure?

We all make mistakes.  Some of us make a lot of mistakes. It is part of being human.  Without making mistakes, we would not learn.  

We are often told that one mistake is a failure. The only way a mistake is a failure, is if you did not learn from it. 

The world is a tough place and we are in a constant state of successes and mistakes(not failures). 

Choose to learn something from every mistake you make, not only so that you don't make it again, but so that it will not be considered a failure. 

On a side note: these two quotes really stood out for me today. 

Happy Monday Everyone! 

Friday, September 19, 2014

YOGAFIT: finding time to work out

 All seniors try to get in to one of the fitness classes in college. My best friend and I managed to get into the same class.  We decided on Yoga- for the relaxation.  I was applying to graduate schools and she was building a life in a new house for her husband when he came back from deployment. We knew we were going to be stressed.  The yoga class that I took as a blow-off in college, changed my views on yoga as a whole.
 The benefits I experienced following the YOGAFIT system were wonderful. I had taken yoga classes previously, but I was not impressed by either the workout(I come from a martial arts background) or the way the workouts progressed(the moves did not flow into each other and make sense)  We had to purchase a book for our yoga class. Weird right?

  I still use that book. The system makes sense.  The moves are explained in a clear and concise manner. I feel great afterwards and the workout is as challenging as I want it to be. If you enjoy yoga, please look into this system. It is fantastic. 

I followed the system during graduate school, doing 10 minutes of yoga in the morning before classes. It made me more relaxed throughout the day as I was taking a crazy course load. 

Once we moved out to Colorado, exercising fell to the wayside for the most part.  I was always working.  When I wasn't working, I was trying to relax.  Somehow the idea did not cross my mind to start getting back into yoga for relaxation. I enjoy doing the monthly fitness challenges on Pinterest and Facebook, but if I don't set reminders on my phone, I forget. 

 I took the step to purchase 5 YogaFit Dvd's as a reward to myself for meeting my personal goals at work.  They arrived last night and like a kid at Christmas I opened every single one of them.  I'm not ashamed :) Starting tomorrow I am devoting myself to at least 10 minutes of yoga a day.  The Dvd's range in time needed from 10-15 minutes to 75 minutes. I'd like to work my way to a full 75 minutes, but for now, I'll start with a realistic goal of 10 minutes per day. 

Here is the link for where I got my DVD's. You can also purchase the book on this site as well.

Have a great day everyone! Thank goodness it's Friday! And go get some exercise!


Thursday, September 18, 2014

How to stay in touch when you live far away

I have spent the last 6 years living away from home. The first four were spent 4 hours away at Kent State University(GO FLASHES).

 Year five was spent 4 hours away at the University of Tennessee (GO VOLS). 

 Year six and currently I live 24 hours from home in Colorado.

Keeping in touch these days is easy right? 

Not so much. I work a ridiculous amount of hours per week currently because I'm pursuing the next management step. Keeping in touch with my friends and family becomes increasingly hard.  The two hour time difference between Ohio and Colorado doesn't help much either.  Luckily I have friends who are night owls, so I get to talk to a few friends pretty regularly.  

How to keep in touch when you live far away?
  1. Make a date with your friends/relatives to talk. It amps anticipation and gives you something to look forward to.
  2. Utilize text messaging. It's easy, fast, and be realistic(you are on your phone all the time anyways)
  3. Skype/Facetime/ Kinect are your friends.  Learn to use them.  Hearing someone's voice is one thing, seeing them even from a distance, is even better. We use the Kinect to see my sister in law and brother in law and my niece and nephew since they live in Washington.  It's not a long conversation, but it helps us feel more involved in their lives. 
  4. Let people know when you are thinking of them.  It will make a difference in their day.  Text/Call/ leave a Facebook message. It's amazing what knowing that someone is thinking about you will do for your day. 
As much as I would like to go lay on a beach, that idea is not in my near future.  To compensate, I'm wearing a beachy scent( Pink Beach- Beach babe.

And looking at this gorgeous picture with envy. I want to swing there! For now, I'll stay happy with my mountains and probably call my parents.

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

How to pay off your debts and still live

How to pay off your debts and still live. 

Paying off your debts is one of the most important things you can do when you are young. Not living surrounded by debt will make your life happier and healthier.  I make a good living most of the time.  I also have a 50,000 grad school debt to pay off. I pay the highest amount I can per month.  It means that I cannot do a lot of things I would like to.  I would love to be able to go out to dinner occasionally or go out for a night on the town.  But for me, paying off my graduate school loan is more important.  I want to be able to save money and put a down payment on a house in the next year.  I would love to be able to go on vacation, but none of those things are as important as paying off my grad school loan.  So instead of putting tons of money in savings for that house or for a vacation, I'm putting all of that towards my loan. It sucks now, but it will be better later. 

Tips for paying off your debts and still living
  1. Find out how much debt you have
  2. Find out how much money a month you can put towards those debts
  3. Do not take out credit cards
  4. Stop spending on frivolous things- coffee at Starbucks or your choice of coffee house, clothes you don't need, drinks with friends, dinner dates.  Do those things at home.  It will save you TONS of money. 3.50 for a coffee 3x a week gives you $42 to put towards something more important.  Get a coffee maker and coffee from the grocery store.  It can  save you hundreds of dollars a year. 
  5. Make the important decision to take care of your debts. 
  6. Make a budget!!!!!!! it will help you figure out number 2. Here is a link to help you. Or try the bajillion on Pinterest.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

5 quick steps to stay healthy this fall.

Today is a new day. I was sick all weekend and yesterday with strep throat and an ear infection.  It was to the point that I needed to cancel my appointments on Friday evening so that I could go home and rest.  I saw the doctor on Saturday- who scolded me for not coming in sooner, which is why instead of having just an ear infection, I have an ear infection AND strep throat.  If you live in CO, watch out for this strep throat bug, it's going around.

The moral of the story is, you have to take care of yourself. If you feel sick, find a way to see a doctor or nurse practitioner.  I went to the Little Clinic inside King Soopers. I went right when they opened to avoid the lines and got seen immediately. The doctor was very kind and made sure I had the right medication to make me better.

We are coming to that time of the year when it is super important to take care of your health.  This means eating right, drinking enough fluids, and taking a multivitamin daily.  It will help you stay healthy. Also, no matter how good your immune system is, you can get sick. Do not wait 2 weeks like I did to seek medical attention.  Go when you first feel sick so that your sickness's do not compound upon one another.

5 quick steps to stay healthy this fall
  1. Drink plenty of fluids
  2. Work out for 20 minutes daily
  3. Eat good food: fruits, veggies, grains, meats, dairy: snack on good things- not chips/chocolate
  4. Take a multivitamin daily
  5. Go see a medical professional if you feel ill

Friday, September 12, 2014

20 minutes for yourself + how to brew tea

I spend 98% of my day doing things for other people. I work crazy hours where I spend time helping people learn a new business, help people with any problems they are having in the business,and selling life insurance myself.  That's my 8 am-9 pm job.  Then when I get home, I help my boyfriend cook, clean, do laundry etc.  Taking time for myself is extremely hard.  I rarely have more than 20 minutes a day to myself. 

Taking that 20 minutes for myself is hard. There is always something else that I need to be doing for myself or for someone else. I am no better at saying NO to my bosses or my significant other than you probably are.  I have realized though,  that without my 20 minutes to myself daily, I become a really unpleasant person.  I have to be selfish with my time.  90% of the time, my 20 minutes occurs during my drive to and from work.  I put on a book and just drive. I try to let everything that has happened drift away for a little while.  I concentrate on the story and let the world fall away.  I don't mean to say that I don't concentrate on driving when I am driving.  I just let go of the thoughts of work, my to-do list, or what my significant other is thinking. It's 20 minutes of me time.

If you answer to more than 2 people(boss, spouse, kids etc) throughout your day, this message is for you.If you are constantly running around like a chicken with your head cut off, you are hurting yourself much more than you are helping yourself and others that you are responsible for. 

 Find time that you can take for yourself.  I know it's hard and it takes time away from other things.  Just try it.  And by try it I mean carve out 20 minutes per day on your calendar each day for the next 30 days to make it a habit. 

You can spend your 20 minutes doing anything that makes you happy.  Listening to music, working out, taking a long shower, reading a book, writing in a journal, doing Yoga, taking a power nap or just sitting in silence with a cup of tea or coffee: it's your time.  Do with it as you wish.
Since I like my 20 minutes to include is a great resource for how long to steep this wonderful, healthy beverage

I found my 20 minutes.  Now go find yours.