Tuesday, September 16, 2014

5 quick steps to stay healthy this fall.

Today is a new day. I was sick all weekend and yesterday with strep throat and an ear infection.  It was to the point that I needed to cancel my appointments on Friday evening so that I could go home and rest.  I saw the doctor on Saturday- who scolded me for not coming in sooner, which is why instead of having just an ear infection, I have an ear infection AND strep throat.  If you live in CO, watch out for this strep throat bug, it's going around.

The moral of the story is, you have to take care of yourself. If you feel sick, find a way to see a doctor or nurse practitioner.  I went to the Little Clinic inside King Soopers. I went right when they opened to avoid the lines and got seen immediately. The doctor was very kind and made sure I had the right medication to make me better.

We are coming to that time of the year when it is super important to take care of your health.  This means eating right, drinking enough fluids, and taking a multivitamin daily.  It will help you stay healthy. Also, no matter how good your immune system is, you can get sick. Do not wait 2 weeks like I did to seek medical attention.  Go when you first feel sick so that your sickness's do not compound upon one another.

5 quick steps to stay healthy this fall
  1. Drink plenty of fluids
  2. Work out for 20 minutes daily
  3. Eat good food: fruits, veggies, grains, meats, dairy: snack on good things- not chips/chocolate
  4. Take a multivitamin daily
  5. Go see a medical professional if you feel ill

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