Monday, September 8, 2014

Get out of your head!

My strongest enemy is myself.  It is the voices in my head that tell me I'm not doing enough, I'm not going to get that promotion, I'm not strong enough for this, I'm not where I was supposed to be now.  Then I learned how to shut up all of those voices. 

How did I do it?
  1. I stopped telling myself I wasn't good enough.  Instead I told myself that I am the best(teacher, trainer, girlfriend, etc).  This is called affirmations.  I say positive things to myself instead of negative.  The reality is that negative thoughts rarely help us mentally.
  2. I asked for more support at work and at home.  I am not superhuman.  I cannot do it all. By asking for more support at work and at home, I took a lot of stress off of myself.
  3. I wrote down positive things about myself and I keep them on my phone and look at them every morning,or whenever I need a boost. 
  4. I re-evaluated my expectations of myself.  We all want to be the best at everything we do.  There is something to be said for that.  Yet,these expectations have to be realistic. The best thing you can do for yourself is set realistic expectations for what you can do. 
This didn't happen overnight. It took a while to figure out.And it took time to find the best way to go about doing these things.  Give yourself time to adjust to your new way of thinking.

 Activity: Take a blank sheet of paper and fold it in half. On one side of the paper, write down your negative thoughts. On the other side of the paper write the opposite of the negative thoughts.  Rip the paper in half so that the negatives are on one side and the positives on the other.  Take the negative side and destroy it.  Rip it into shreds, put it through a shredder, burn it, however you want to do it. Take the positive side and post it somewhere you will see it multiple times a day.  I find that the best places are on bathroom mirror or on the refrigerator. 

Have a great Monday!

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